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Trouble Logging In

If you’re having trouble signing into Mathshare here are three possible causes and ways to trouble shoot it.

  1. Update your browser. We recommend the Google Chrome web browser but do test on Safari and Firefox. To check your version in Chrome, open “chrome://settings/help” in a new tab. If your version is out-of-date, that should also give you the option to update.
  2. Your cookie settings are interfering with Google Sign-In. To check those, open “chrome://settings/content/cookies” in a new tab. If cookies aren’t allowed or third-party cookies are blocked, this will prevent sign-in from working. To fix this, go to the bottom where it says “Allow” and click the “ADD” button on the right side of that same row. Add “” as an allowed site and repeat for “
  3. Your school’s IT may have blocked Mathshare or limited your account’s abilities to sign-in to other tools. Contact your IT department to allow Google or Microsoft accounts to sign in to Mathshare. Email them a link to our Technical Brief for IT Departments here.

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Technical Brief for IT Departments

Firewall and Email domains that need to be whitelisted:

These domains are used for the delivery and support of Mathshare:

Teachers, students, and parents use this domain to access problem sets

Customer support and messaging system used for teacher accounts. Not active for student accounts

Our preferred tool for online video trainings and troubleshooting

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